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Old February 16th, 2011, 08:06 AM
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Jamesbo, so sorry to hear about Ralph. Your story got me misty eyed. I lost my Lab 10 years ago this month, I have his picture and ashes on the bookshelf in my office. You will meet again.
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Old February 16th, 2011, 08:08 AM
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Well congratulations, Jon! Glad you joined up in our GM forum! Is this going to be your first child?? Lots of good news on here today for a change! Me, you, BigJerr... It's a lovely thing!

The Colonel was full of it, lol! God how I laughed at his comments! What a great guy! Ken and Blue are going to have a hard time keeping up the humor, lol! But I have faith in them!
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Old February 16th, 2011, 10:25 AM
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I'm so sorry about Ralph too Jamesbo.
I know he had a great life.
Col will take care of him, he loved his funny looking dogs and I'm sure he would want to meet your friend Ralph and introduce him to his past friends that he's playing with over on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.

I tell people about the Rainbow Bridge when they lose a pet and it always helps them a lot, always helps me to think they're waiting and happy.
I like "No Dogs in Heaven" too.
If they could only tell you when something's wrong, with that condition they usually don't start showing signs until it's too late.
I say I can never get through it again and could never love a dog so much again every time. It's always no more than a week a week later that I'm at the dog shelter just looking, last time I brought two home.

Hey Sandy, don't forget we lost member Bobsw32/Bob Rosa in an auto accident at the beginning of January.
He wasn't real active here and was more of a nuts and bolts type posts guy so never got to really know him very well.
What happened was a real shame.

I've got good news?
My daughter applied to Baldwin Wallace and John Carroll as a transfer student for next year and was accepted at both with partial scholarships and will accept her credits too.
Still waiting to hear from Case but I'm afraid she might get in, her top choice.
You ever see the commercial where the daughter and mother walk in the kitchen and are all happy because she was accepted to one of the the most expensive schools in the conutry and the old man just sits there at the table with a pitiful look on his face ???
I figure a year of college equals a nicely restored high-end musclecar convertible, not including housing.

My pregonant daughter is doing fine, the little boy pre-rugrat gave the thumbs up in the ultrasound pic too.
Hard to really tell what it is but it looks like a thumb.
The wedding is March 16th, justs immediate family at a fancy restaraunt, and not Denny's Sandy, I tried though.
She got a wedding cake topper with a pregnant bride and groom, should have the bride's dad with a shotgun on there too.
The big reception will be next year so the kid can come.

The bank kept bothering us to do our house loan over so we went for it and our interest rate went from almost 7% down to 4.4 something and our house payment went down over 200 bucks a month, and it didn't cost us anything?
Must be that Obama money.

Congratulations Jon!
Between you, Gearheads twins on the way and my daughter's bulging belly there's going to be a population explosion at CO this year.

Hang around here more often Jon, don't be afraid of Sandy no matter what you've heard.
All CO members are welcome to join the morning zoo crew, if you can get through the initiation you got it made.
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Old February 16th, 2011, 10:35 AM
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Thanks Blue,

I'm with you .........If there are "No Dogs in Heaven" ............I ain't interested.

Ya got an Eastwing for the Grandboy yet?
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Old February 16th, 2011, 11:05 AM
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.....Hang around here more often Jon, don't be afraid of Sandy no matter what you've heard.

Excuse me.... Sir??? If I was him, I'd be more worried about Redgoat, lol!

Obama money... Now that's funny right there! Well it sounds like you have some good news today too! Isn't it a nice feeling for a change?? The weather is gorgeous out there - I went out and walked and just stopped and leaned up against the back of the building and turned my face into the sun and stood there enjoying..... heaven! It felt soooo good, lol! I so envy you guys that have the warm weather most of the time.

I wish Nicole would look into colleges. At least see if there's something she's interested in and how much it cost. She wanted to take some kind of medical thing over at Tri C, but it's booked up until the fall of 2013! I don't know. Congrats on that, by the way! I think it's great. I'll think of you next time I see that commercial, lol! That is a funny one!

So you're gonna have a grandson... maybe? Sometimes it's hard to tell from those ultrasound pics. Bet Laura is excited, huh?? Don't be letting her overdo... don't want any more heart surprises! They wouldn't go to Denny's huh? How sad for you, lol! Just pretend..... I know you can do it.

Oh yeah, before I forget, don't you be saying anything to grumpyass about my pay increase when you see him, cause I'm not telling him!! I'm trying to pretend it doesn't exist! I stopped at the bank and took the difference and transferred it to my savings account this morning. I'm going to try to save it. It'll be my mad money, lol! I don't care about anyone's inheritance....
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Old February 16th, 2011, 11:10 AM
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Thanks for the congrats everyone. Yes Sandy our first. I am glad I am doing the paint on my car this year. I guess if I can't have car money this is a good reason to not have it. I wish I were half as witty as you all are. I chuckle all the time at this post.
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Old February 16th, 2011, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo
Thanks Blue,

I'm with you .........If there are "No Dogs in Heaven" ............I ain't interested.

Ya got an Eastwing for the Grandboy yet?
I'm not interested if I can't have my dogs in Heaven either, assuming that's where I'm going that is.

The west wing is my garage, the east wing would be my neighbor's yard.

They're going to live in Cleveland Heights for five years because he's a rookie cop and and gets his own cop car to take home, no personal use by future father in laws though, I tried. He pulled his gun for the first time last week, a guy reached for something in his coat when he shouldn't of. My bro-in-law had that happen when he was a rookie and the guy that did it is no longer with us.
They want the cops within so many minutes of the city and there are some other perks if you live there too . He makes more money moonlighting doing security at THE Wal-Mart and at the movie theater than he does at work as a cop. He won't shop at Wal-Mart though, his dad is a big Electricians Union goon, my daughter loves the place.
Me and gold old Dan don't have much in common so I haven't gotten to know him real well, been less than a year since they met too. My one dog's name is Dan so I told him he's going to have to go by something else because the dog was here first, I yell for the dog and he shows up.
He doesn't do cars other than buying them and I don't golf, somebody has to give in. I could buy him a massive tool set and make him work on his car, I hope he doesn't give me a set of clubs for my birthday?
He got his G8 stuck in the snow and his buddies were pushing him out and pushed the rear spoiler off.
I'm going to JB Weld it back on in exchange for the car for a day to take out and beat on, it's quick.
The car has widea$$ tires with a very wimpy tread, rear wheel drive and no weight in the trunk, and he can't figure it why he gets stuck all the time in the snow.

Last edited by Bluevista; February 16th, 2011 at 11:42 AM. Reason: stuttering stuttering
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Old February 16th, 2011, 11:55 AM
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I know a few cops who get free apartments just to park their patrol cars in the complex at night.

Everyone I knew from Cleveland Heights could buy a jet outta their hip pocket. Isn't that a ritzy section?
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Old February 16th, 2011, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Jamesbo

I know a few cops who get free apartments just to park their patrol cars in the complex at night.

Everyone I knew from Cleveland Heights could buy a jet outta their hip pocket. Isn't that a ritzy section?
It has some real ritzy sections, most of the rest of the city you wouldn't want to walk through at night anymore.
One group of people preys on a second group and the cops are told to protect the second group, it can be bad.
A lot of doctors from The Clinic and professors from Case, people who work at the places in other capacities, live in the heights because it's so close to the school and hospitals. Lots of cultural diversity, meaning professional hippie types that live there and the people that moved from Cleveland that stay there.
Gates Mills is the place with the people who could buy the company that makes the jet out of their hip pocket are living.
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Old February 16th, 2011, 04:05 PM
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After Rusty passed away I buried him in the back yard and that spring decided to make a garden just for him. The piece of granite I found down the road at an old site where they used to quarry it. the letters are chiseled out and painted. Rusty is buried under the mulberry tree and the rest of the garden has been added to slowly. I was hoping to get the granite out of the basement this year but I might need help since it weighs a ton. The pic of the garden is from the side and if you see it head on it is actually heart shaped.
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Old February 16th, 2011, 05:01 PM
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Jamesbo, sorry to hear about Ralph. They say that a dog reflects Gods love for us. God/doG

Jon, congratulations. There is nothing quite like becoming a parent. All
the best to you and your wife (and current tadpole)
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Old February 16th, 2011, 10:52 PM
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Congrats on the raise, seems like someone up there is looking out for you as it came at just the right time.

Had our monthly VFW meeting this am. Good turn out for Korat, Thailand, 15 members and 2 guests.

Had to take the wife to the hospital yesterday as she has been having pain since her last "period". They gave her an ultra sound and found a tumor the size of a lemon (6cmx9cm) on a follopian tube that fills up with blood when she has her period and then presses on her bladder. She has had them in the past and had 2 operations to remove them. This time we decided that she gets a histomrectomy as neither one of us wants children and if she just has it removed another one will grow. She has to have 2 months of hormone therapy before the operation. I really for sorry for her as she is just 36 years old. Her best friend who is also 36 had the same operation last year.

Slept with the aircon on last night as it only got down to 82F and todays high should be around 95F. Guess summer has arrived.

Have a great day,
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Old February 17th, 2011, 03:34 AM
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Good Morning Oldsmobilers.
Good luck to your wife redrokit, I'm sure she'll be fine.

I'm going to start doing thinking about doing my powerful bench seat conversion today.
I know it isn't going to take long enough to do the job and I'll be counting flowers on the walls in the garage again until it gets warm. Finished cars are no fun.
I could add some time and get really **** and Dynamat the whole floorpan to dampen the noise and acoustic resonance from the powerful seat motor operating when I adjust the seat?
I've added powerful windows, locks, 8-track, tilt column.
It's got cruise already...inside hood latch release or the rare and elusive shift lever windshield washer control next?? That control could take years to find.
I'd really have to go off the deep end to put rally gauges in, but then again... the gauges hanging down under the dash are unsightly and not original?
I have no use for the tic-toc-tach, with a stock 350 automatic car I don't really need to be able to look at one gauge to see what time it is when I over-rev my engine and blow it up.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 04:23 AM
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Morning all,
Bluevista I have a question for you. Is your car the one that is on the cover of the Fusicks catalog? If it is congrats man. Too cool to be in 2 publications in 1 year. Nice and warm here today. I might fire up the harley and go for an early spring ride.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 06:25 AM
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Good morning guys & gal

Congrats on the raise Sandy hope it eases things for you, sure would like to see you happy again.

Rdrokit, hope everything works out well with your wife. Sounds likes its hot and humid over there. Do you have AC in your car?

Blue, sounds like the winter boredom has finally got to you. I feel your pain. Time for warm weather and doing things. I think you need to install muffler bearings. do-hickys, do-dads, thing ama-jigs and what haves you's to keep yourself busy until spring. Redgoat can supervise

Jamsbo, did you fix you electrical issues in the house and the Olds, Never did here "THE REST OF THE STORY". You know we all like to hear a good story.

Congrats Jon, Another Olds nut on the way, gotta prepare to pass the torch might as well get started right
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Old February 17th, 2011, 06:27 AM
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Morning All!

It's a kinda cloudy morning, but temps at 46 degrees!!!!! I am LOVING it! Put on a half sleeve blouse this morning instead of something with long sleeves! Grabbed my windbreaker instead of my leather coat.... Nice! Now if I could just put on sandals....... not quite warm enough. I'm soooooo tired of winter clothing!

Rdrokit..... hope all goes well with your wife! As a woman, I can understand and I'm sorry to hear that. It's miserable enough going through that every month without other problems! Sometimes a hysterectomy is the best thing. Just get it over with.

Wolfie.... that's a beautiful garden in memory of your pet!

Ken.... glad to hear from you - I was getting worried!

Blue..... if'in you're bored, you can come over and take the trunk seal off Teepo and clean the channel for me! I got some stuff from Eastwoods to put on the manifolds to make them look beautiful.... you could do that too, lol! Wish it was gonna be warm this weekend so I could get out there and start some of this stuff. My hands just get so damned cold - even when I'm not outside. They feel like ice most of the time.

Today is Linda's birthday - 58! I have to run at lunch and pick up her ice cream cake from the Dairy Queen and take it home and put in the freezer, and get her some Happy Birthday scratch off tickets at the gas station. Nicole and I will be going to her place tonight after work.

Well have a lovely day all!
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Old February 17th, 2011, 06:33 AM
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Originally Posted by citcapp
Congrats Jon, Another Olds nut on the way, gotta prepare to pass the torch might as well get started right
We definitely are Olds nuts on this site if I do say so myself! Funny you should mention that citcapp I was actually thinking when it comes time to redo my father in laws '69 Cutlass it might be reserved for the little bundle of joy. Talk about starting them out right.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 06:40 AM
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We're some kind of nuts anyhow, lol!! Especially that scoundral Redgoat!
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Old February 17th, 2011, 07:10 AM
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Sorry about this but, "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't!"
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Old February 17th, 2011, 08:34 AM
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Almond Joy has nuts, Mounds don't.

"I am loving it" Sandy?
Is not that McDonalds slogan sans hyphenation?
That reminds me, did former McEmployee Nicole want fries with that when she had to eat crow after her exploits??
Isn't your slogan "You asked for it, you got it, Tincanio!", then you jump up and stay suspended in mid-air Sandy?
How do you get down anyway?

Trunk and manifold stuff??
What did you get for the manifolds, paint or that manifold dressing?
Now that you won all those trophies I don't know if I should be shooting myself in the foot by working on the competition anymore?

Originally Posted by jon69olds
Morning all,
Bluevista I have a question for you. Is your car the one that is on the cover of the Fusicks catalog? If it is congrats man. Too cool to be in 2 publications in 1 year. Nice and warm here today. I might fire up the harley and go for an early spring ride.
I doubt it's my car unless they grabbed a pic off the net.
There are a few other blue ones around, if it has SSIII wheels it's not mine.
I've searched around and found pics of my car on the internet and I didn't take them.
I found my car's first showing after it was finished on the Supercar Registry site.
My wife and Redgoat are both in the one pic, I took a pic of him and her standing by the car that evening too.
In the one pic on the site Redgoat is hamming it up for the camera standing there pretending to be somebody looking at the car and being amazed by it to my wife.
Check out my buddy's Red Baron GTO too.
He bought it new in '66.
The pics are giving me spring fever.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 09:22 AM
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I hope all goes well with your wifes surgery. I wish her well.


Thanks for the kind words.


Congrats, Glad cha got a good toe hold.


That's a lovely tribute. I've got Ralph's paw print on a ceramic coaster.


The house electric issue was resolved and rerouted some of the wires that were going over the bathroom ceiling. That was their picnic table. De drop top is still dead in the water cause I've been look'in after ole Ralph all day long.

Donny [ Don442] said He help me figger it out. And he's alot smarter than moi. I bribed him with sum fried chicken livers, smashed taters and pole beans fer lunch de utter day.

And last but not least


How much you gonna pay me and Redgoat to keep your secret from the Grumpiest one?

Got me a new Kubota 54" Zero Turn mower to keep the cemetery pretty. So I m Baroque again.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 10:49 AM
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Blue..... you just make me laugh, lol! You did enjoy getting that plaque there at Solon that night.... Nice pics anyhow! I always like to find our cars out there on websites when I'm looking. I always tell you when I see them.

I got manifold dressing stuff or something. I think it rubs on. I haven't opened the box it came in yet. I figured I could do that - if it ever gets warm enough when I'm home! That will make her beautiful engine look even beautifulier!!!! I might clean and paint the frame there where you can see it too. Then she will really be kicking a$$ this summer!

I got Linda's cake at lunch time and took it home. It's 60 degrees out there!!!!!! Oh Lord, I have spring fever!!!!! I really hate to be inside this afternoon. Our yard looks like a lake - standing water, and still a lot of ice/snow on it! It ain't a gonna dry up around the garage until friggin June from the looks of it. There were Robins out in the back yard singing and bobbin around lookin for worms! It's sooooo nice to see them! What a long miserable winter this has been. I look for one more big blizzard before it's all over, though.

I'm glad you're sounding better Jamesbo. Sorry, but you're gonna have to keep my secret out of the goodness of your hearts, lol!!
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Old February 17th, 2011, 10:53 AM
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I want Larry's big tractor if he fixed the PTO.
I disremember, what secret?

Originally Posted by jon69olds
Morning all,
Bluevista I have a question for you. Is your car the one that is on the cover of the Fusicks catalog? If it is congrats man. Too cool to be in 2 publications in 1 year. Nice and warm here today. I might fire up the harley and go for an early spring ride.
I don't have the latest Fusick catalog and started thinking about it so
I went to the site download section where they have the pics of the covers.

Well I'll be a flying monkey's uncle!

Attachment 183931

I accept your congratulations now Jon, thanks for the heads up!
I wonder if they'll give me a deal on something?... yeah right... they'll send me a catalog.
I'm going to go start a thread to see if anybody else's car is on there, and gloat.
I don't see Teepo?
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Old February 17th, 2011, 11:35 AM
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Well if they send you a catalog, I want it, lol! They didn't send me one with my recent order. I was also wondering if that was your car when I downloaded the catalog, but forgot to ask...... That's how my mind works anymore. When it works at all, lol!

So are they just allowed to hijack your pic and use it? I think you should be reimbursed.... big time! They probably took it at the Olds show. I used my gift certificate when I ordered.

Larry never fixed that shaft on the tractor, so he can't use the tiller thing anymore. But he can still mow with it. And if ya already forgot the secret, I ain't a gonna be reminding you, lol!

Where's Teepo...... you're such a shi*!!!!!! They knew her beauty would take away from the other cars in the picture, so they decided not to use her.

This has been a week of things looking better, hasn't it? Good things for a change!!

Last edited by cutlassgal; February 17th, 2011 at 11:48 AM.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 12:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Bluevista
I want Larry's big tractor if he fixed the PTO.

You ever "split" a tractor? Dat would give ya a nice winter project.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 04:21 PM
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Morning all, overcast here today.

Jamesbo I'm sorry to hear about wonder dog, no more pain for him now.

Sandy, congrats on the rise. Now you might be able to save up and move to AZ before next winter

Jon, congrats for you and your wife. I have a 3 1/2 year old girl and she is the cutest.

B, hope all goes well for your wife.

Wolfie, I love your tribute garden for your pup, very nice indeed.

Just under 3 weeks and I fly out, it is going to be the best.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 05:07 PM
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You're right Sandy, the Vista is a star and she deserves adequate compensation for her wonderous image.
A free catalog would do it.
I think Fusick's secret spy photographers came over to my house when I wasn't home and somehow managed to get my car out of the garage and into the driveway to take that pic and back in without me knowing.
It looks exactly like one I took?
Must have used a stepladder like I did to get that angle too?

Attachment 183929

Last edited by Bluevista; February 17th, 2011 at 05:21 PM.
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Old February 17th, 2011, 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Ausraven
Morning all, overcast here today.

Jamesbo I'm sorry to hear about wonder dog, no more pain for him now.

Sandy, congrats on the rise. Now you might be able to save up and move to AZ before next winter

Jon, congrats for you and your wife. I have a 3 1/2 year old girl and she is the cutest.

B, hope all goes well for your wife.

Wolfie, I love your tribute garden for your pup, very nice indeed.

Just under 3 weeks and I fly out, it is going to be the best.

Sounds like you have your bags packed and are more then ready, hope you have a great time stateside and are able to visit with some of the CO buds, have a great time mate
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Old February 18th, 2011, 01:20 AM
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I'm sure I will have a great time stateside. I will be in Atlanta for 2 days and also be driving from Niagara to Lansing so I could stop for lunch half way, around Twinsburg. I can think of at least 2 CO mates I could visit
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Old February 18th, 2011, 04:40 AM
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Morning all,
Another unseasonably warm day today. I'll take it after how could Dec. and Jan. were. We have a 48' tractor trailer coming tomorrow to get the rest of our corn and take to the ethanol plant so the warm spell was definitely needed to thaw out the driveway. Ausraven have a good time in the states.
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Old February 18th, 2011, 05:39 AM
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Mawn'in all


Give me a shout when ya get to Hotlanta. I take ya out fer sum Chicken livers, green beans and smashed taters.


I figgered you were on de roof when ya took dat shot. It's a great pic. But I thought you had a spoiler on your wagon. Did you give me de last one you had? Oh wait, I see it now. The ones on my mom's Cheby were kinda brushed chrome and stood out like a sore......... finger

It's spose to hit 70 today, I'm gonna plow my garden. Den I'm gonna go smack white round. Nah, I'm gonna go smack whitey round den, I'm gonna plow my garden.
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Old February 18th, 2011, 05:58 AM
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Morning All!

It's a glorious morning here today! The sun is shining, birds are singing, life is GOOD! It was 57 degrees when I came into work. Just beautiful out there!! Temps are gonna drop through out the day, though.

Had fun up at Linda's last evening for her birthday. She enjoyed her ice cream cake, lol!! Our oldest sister Jean came. She's had some kind of sinus/cold. Kinda like what Brian here has. She's been having some strange things going on with her heart. I told her she better let the doctor know. She's been on heart pills for like 30 years - had 2 heart attacks back in the late 70's. She has mitral valve prolapse. She better not be messing around with this!

I let Nicole drive Tincanio home last night. She liked it too, lol! I don't like it when the wind gusts - feels like I'm going to topple over!

Blue - They did hijack your car! They really owe you!! Seriously, I'd call and ask them just to see where they got it. I'm sure they'd tell you. They're nice. I'm really curious! I'll call if you want me to!

Adrian.... I do hope you get a chance to stop by here!! It would be great to meet you, wouldn't it Blue?? We'll work it out so you can meet us and see the cars. Even if it's just for a few minutes.

Have a great Friday all!
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Old February 18th, 2011, 06:02 AM
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Jamesbo..... you plow your garden this early?
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Old February 18th, 2011, 06:16 AM
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Originally Posted by cutlassgal
Jamesbo..... you plow your garden this early?
If it dries out I will. It get rid of the winter weeds.

I could plant sum cabages, brocolli, etc
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Old February 18th, 2011, 06:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Ausraven
I'm sure I will have a great time stateside. I will be in Atlanta for 2 days and also be driving from Niagara to Lansing so I could stop for lunch half way, around Twinsburg. I can think of at least 2 CO mates I could visit
I aknow there's me and Redgoat?
What about Sandy??

We could go to this wonderful little place in the berg of Streetsyltucky that has on it's bill-of-fare a wonderful American dish called the "Moons Over My Hammy".
It's Open 24 hours so if you have jet lag and want to eat lunch at two in the morning it's no problem.

It's only A couple of hundred miles away, you probably know how to get here from there better than I would. I'd get lost trying to get to Twinsburg from here and it's 20 minutes away.
I just drive in ever larger concentric circles until I find places like a dog trying to pick up a scent. Real men don't stop and ask directions or use maps or GPS.
Easy access to directions is one of the root causes of the the male wimpification crisis in the USA, second only to the new generation of liberated and overbearing he-women...I don't mean you Sandy.
You don't even want to run into a gang of American teenage girls hanging around texting when you're walking through a dark alley at night.

I'm going to forget any work I have to do today and go out and frolic in the yard with the dogs on this fine spring-like morning.
I do have to do one job before I can frolic thanks to the dogs.
Looking at my backyard you would think I had horses.

Last edited by Bluevista; February 18th, 2011 at 06:25 AM. Reason: more Fusick pic contemplation
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Old February 18th, 2011, 06:52 AM
Cutlass Lover
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Sounds like you have spring fever too, lol! You crack me up!! I just took some mail out to the box and didn't put on my coat! It's soooooo nice out there. Wind is really picking up though.

I have my fan on in here - according to my thermometer above my desk, it's 76 friggin degrees in this corner!! Way too hot for inside with no air circulation. Steve has his friggin heater on out in his office. No wonder these guys are sick all the time. I'd hate to go to their houses - probably overheated!! Brian has his jacket on! Wuss!

Jamesbo.... I forget you can plant earlier than us. I don't think I'm going to try radishes this year, since I got none last year. I'm going to plant beans again and green peppers and of course my maters.
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Old February 18th, 2011, 07:31 AM
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You guys are acting like it's spring already, planting crops running around on the lawn with the dogs, etc. Next thing you know you'll be driving you Olds, but wait, Jamsbo's won't start, Sandy can't get hers out of the garage, Looks like Blue is the only only one who has a chance of actually going for a ride.
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Old February 18th, 2011, 07:40 AM
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Citcapp...... don't make me come out there, lol!!
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Old February 18th, 2011, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by citcapp
You guys are acting like it's spring already, planting crops running around on the lawn with the dogs, etc. Next thing you know you'll be driving you Olds, but wait, Jamsbo's won't start, Sandy can't get hers out of the garage, Looks like Blue is the only only one who has a chance of actually going for a ride.
No.. I can get mine out of the garage.. nice cement driveway all the way into the garage.. only 2 things stand in my way of doing it.. .. the suburban parked on driveway in front of it is on Fumes and no gas.. I can make it to the gas station and that is it. AND the olds is also on fumes as well. and it is also not currently registered. and the biggest factor. .No budget to get the gas.
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Old February 18th, 2011, 09:19 AM
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My Vista is ready for action 24-7, it's like the Batmobile.
The GTO is like the Green Hornet's car, I store it underneath the garage upside down until I need it.
When I see the Bat Signal the Vista and I are just mere moments away from our next exciting adventure in the fabled Land of the Buckeyes.
Unless it's cold, raining, snowing, or there's road salt dust all over the roads like today.
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